hrp0097p1-241 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Association between osteocalcin and secretory function of islet beta cells in diabetic pediatric population: a pivotal study

Lombardo Fortunato , Passanisi Stefano , Lombardo Cristina , Salzano Giuseppina , Bombaci Bruno , Lugarà Cecilia , D' Amico Federica , Grasso Loredana , Aguennouz M'Hammed , Catalano Antonino , Valenzise Mariella

Background: Osteocalcin plays a role in glucose metabolism in mice, but its relevance in human energetic metabolism is controversial. Few data are available on osteocalcin in pediatric patients with T1DM. The aim of our monocenter observational study was to evaluate the role of the main remodelling bone biomarkers in the regulation of glucose metabolism at the time of type 1 diabetes diagnosis and to evaluate their potential relationship with insulin sensitivi...